Grace Filled and Graceful
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Helping women grow online businesses using thier God Given Gifts in a way that makes their souls sing.
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Grace Filled and Graceful Podcast Episode 2

Hustle Detox- For the partner Blog, be sure you become a Supporter Today! The blog goes deeper and more intimate with Jennifer, her experience, and her though process! You'll love the opportunity to learn more!

Grace Filled and Graceful Podcast Episode 2
Thursday 12/8/21 Clarity

And just like that, you wake up on day and your back hurts....

"But how can my back hurt? I do yoga daily?! Until you realize it's been 1 week since you did any exercise because your schedule has been different....unforeseen events mixing your calendar up every which way.

Entropy: is a scientific concept as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty.

And it happens a little bit day by day. So little, that you barley even notice....until you do.

This is how I felt this morning when my attitude was not pretty, then I's been about 5 days since I had my normal morning routine of yoga, reading, praying and journaling. And what's more, I didn't want to do those things..the very things I knew would get me back in alignment.

But, I made myself. My brain knew, but my emotions were being a stubborn 3 year old. And guess what!? I felt better and now I'm mowing down the day one step at a time with ...

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Wednesday Clarity: 12/1/2021

You've seen it happening already... How do you want to finish this month? This year? Start next year?

Planning ahead is strategic and necessary. This "December" mentality is limiting however. Yes, we are wrapping up 2021. Yes, December is the last month before 2022. Yes, you have goals. So why do we put put some much emphasis on hitting your goals when time is "running out."

I was ruled by the idea of "missing out." I was anxious about "doing things the right way." I was spurred on by the adrenaline of the impending deadline.

After decades of running on this emotional roller coaster, however, I grew past the elementary school logic of using these methods of motivation. Succumbing to other methods and my own.

Going minimalistic on these matters includes cutting out the fluff of panic, anxiety, rushing and scurrying like a mouse to hit your "goals."

Instead of reacting, let's go pro-active, and do our adrenals some good, shall well?

I choose to review my goals every day in my quiet ...

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Tuesday Clarity 11/30/21 The Flow of Time

As we are taking another step toward the end of 2021 at the passing of yet another month, I wanted to share how I know when I'm doing well, according to living each moment that I'm given, well.

Have you ever come upon a 30th/31st of a month and wondered where the month went? Like you were in constant action, scurrying and hurrying between responsibilities, but have nothing to show for it when it comes to building your business?

As I've been practicing living each moment, and staying present in each hour I'm given, I've noticed something funny happen. And by funny, what I mean is encouraging and peaceful...unusual for how I've been living for decades.

What I see is that I get to the end of a month, and actually feel that it's been a super long month, and I can see all the things I've learned, and tried and succeeded in.

Imagine that? Feeling that 30 days feel like 30 days, and not 2? How would your soul feel if you chose to give each moment your present self...not a hurried, ...

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